Row houses, green lawns, white picket fences, garages, air conditioning, fans, refrigerators, carpets... elements that are part of the modular artificiality of the American suburbs evoke typical suburban-life  scenarios. Beyond The White Picket Fence: The Dark Side of American Suburbia is a study based on the visual investigation of the suburbs of the United States. It aims to provide a narrative-visual representation of the American suburbs, and how they have transitioned from being the embodiment of the American Dream to a reality that is, to say the least, alienating. When observed  closely, the seemingly idyllic facade of the suburb reveals an unsettling atmosphere, hidden beneath the surface of what appeared to be the promise of a perfect life.
The first phase of the investigation consists of an analysis of the houses for sale on Craigslist, where images uploaded by different users reveal various aspects that objectively represent suburban reality. The data reflects the typical visual code of suburbia: basements, backyards, wallpaper, wood paneling, carpets, ceiling fans... These images reveal and confirm how each element fits into the collective imagination of American suburbia, reflecting its typical characteristics . It is precisely from these images that a sense of unease can be perceived, caused by the conformity that limits the originality of the suburban space. It is in the limbo between the familiar and the strange that these contrasting emotions arise. And when these images are observed with a more attentive eye, they reveal monotony and alienation.
Adopting a more analytical approach, the investigation then transitions into a speculative phase. During a journey through the suburbs of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, photographs were taken with a keen eye for the uncanny atmosphere that permeates these spaces. These images sparked  sinister surreal sensations, evoking strong feelings of alienation and isolation. These impressions were then transformed into a project focused on creating miniature, disquieting scenarios using a miniature house. This miniature suburban setting serves as a powerful tool for depicting eerie and ghostly suburban landscapes, uncovering the unsettling reality that lies beyond the white picket fence. The miniature house becomes a perfect representation of suburbia—a contrived environment that feels almost like a toy. The line between a fictitious place and reality is thin, and the miniature is the perfect means to represent these anonymous spaces capable of evoking feelings of derealization.
Project supervised by: Luca Capuano
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